It's as good as Southpark
Great footage narrated by John Facenda, NFL Films Voice of God. I think I saw the Rifleman Chuck Conners in the crowd.
Raymond is 51 years old. If he isn't ready by now he will never be.
Ben Wilkerson
That's a terrible attitude. You should drop everything. even if it means quitting your job so you can repeatedly watch every play in Deculus's...
Genius is often misunderstood
He's the gansta of hoops
I get the points
Quit making excuses for losing
May I offer you a glass of Koolade
He could be the Vietnamese quarterback to replace Drew Brees
I do watch Tucker Carlson on Fox News
When I have to write something by hand I just use print style letters. Otherwise nobody could read it. Including me.
Ive never met a biker who didn't walk with a limp
.Don't you get the History Channel and the Discovery channel?
He was also the alien dude with godlike powers which liked to fuck with Captain Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek the Next Generation
Height is not a hindrance to playing DL. Ed Too Tall Jones was 6'9"
He must have forgotten about the coveted Central Alabama Meth Manufacturers National Championship trophy.