Hrm not a high post count there. He also said he banged a chick on the Tiger Stadium 50 yard line. I guess that's possible.
And Cecil Collins. Nevermind.
I know you Aubbies think you got screwed by the BCS but don't tell me what came before was better. I guess you think in that old system you'd have...
Not by everyone. Largely by the press. And whadayaknow, it's the press who's poll it is. OF COURSE they're going to call it an NC. They're...
Wrong. The future of the AP is bleak. How relevant is the AP in determining the Basketball NC? No one cares what they "think." They rubber stamp...
Doesn't sound like "reporting." Sounds like one man's analysis based on things all of us already know.
Does your son have any inside info on the Saban deal? Don't hold out on us man.
Saban's statements all but confirm it. It's easy to read between his lines. Did you hear his quote about the difficulty involved in moving his...
"I have no plans to leave LSU because I'm very happy here. I'm waiting for an NFL team to provide me with a plan and make me even happier, then...
Shell could make a career of this if he plays his cards right. Maybe, 100k under the table in return for avoiding an even bigger fine. "Own an...
That's about it. I haven't been excited about LSU basketball in quite some time. Then again, I think I've grown to simply hate the sport.
Yes, the Dooley story is several days old.
I know Davis keeps saying he needs to spend time in a sanitarium or whatever, but I sure hope that's just talk. I want a coach who's had success...
Funny fark but OMG the editing is horrible.
Ray Lewis was not a Davis recruit. Only thing contraversial about Davis is how he left Miami. Otherwise, he did a great job of cleaning up...
I'd be happy with Davis. Just don't know how serious he was about taking the year off. Seems like Cleveland gave him a nervous breakdown.
Plashke is the King of the Homers. No one takes him seriously.
I heard Pollack has a motor. Is that true?
Thank you Matt for providing me with a treasure trove of farking material!