Well I don't think he would say he's going and then fly with them to Orlando either. That's just... odd. Perhaps he will tell them and then ask...
Kiss her for that. If she's right, take it a few steps farther.
6 to 7 million is nutball territory. Steve Mariucci leads the NFL with 5 million per year atm. Spurrier got 5 million. Butch Davis got 3 million....
This is a two way street I'm afraid to say. Saban is under no obligation to take offers or be interviewed before the final game. A pro team would...
I think he bought out the entire Colors by Alexander Julian line.
You have to love those Dolphin players fighting desperately for what remains of the staff that completely bombed. Just imagine what would happen...
The Enemy: [IMG] Looks like an evil bastard doesn't he?
Hopefully it takes a little detour through the Bermuda Triangle.
Is this a "feeling" of Buddy's or is he REPORTING IT? I've seen too many examples of people who don't know the meaning of the word "report."
Not sure if there's much reason for his agent to be there if he's staying, is there?
Yeah, Saban wavers and Wayne says "hold up buddy, I'm coming to see you." One last sales pitch. Possible.
I agree. No one is worth that. Got It? didn't INVENT football people. LSU has done all a University can be reasonably expected to do for coach. If...
It's generally true that a team wouldn't offer the job unless they knew whether it would be accepted, but Saban might be one of the few exceptions...
Welcome to the NFL Nick!
These guys aren't professionals.
Joe is overrated. Without that 1969 Super Bowl, he would not be in the Hall of Fame.
Hrm not working here.
Where's Rod Serling?