the hell he didnt!! him and some other players planted the flag in the middle of the field and taunted the fans
i wouldnt blame the players AT ALL for that sorry ass game last night....this coaching staff absolutely SUCKS!! i for one am VERY happy that we...
dude, please keep making pictures with this black guy in them, they are hilarious!!!! lol
tennessee sucks
Hate to say this, but I doubt there will even be a game come monday...
yeah, its great that we are playing in tiger stadium, but how the hell are 92,000 fans going to get to the game by 6:30? pretty stupid time slot...
does it ****in matter? you people have nothing to talk about??:lsup: better start talkin about tennessee..
Great post!! I understand a little more now. Thanks for taking the time to actually answer my questions and not automatically assume I was a...
call ed buggs, he reported it and my friends g.f. works at the argosy and saw the police arresting them
can i ask some serious questions without being labeled a "racist?" ok, good, why when i am watching the news that 95% of the people getting...
there has already been refugees robbing a chevron downtown, so, we should expect a lot of problems to come....
n.o. has 1.3 million people there and i dont think they are neccesarily coming here to live for the rest of their lives, but just to stay here...
you know what?? when they are sitting there stealing, food or not, and they are laughing on tv about it...screw them...i dont care if it is food...
where do i go and what time to see the golden band from tigerland come down the hill??