Just the grille of my car. That's all! Sad to say, I don't race the Pinto anymore either!
Sucks. Here's to a speedy recovery!
+1. Good post!
Patterson is just stirring sh!t. Plain and simple.
So true ;)
PP has the talent to go both ways in the NFL. However, I have to agree that he needs to concentrate on one area and excel there! I would much...
He was a talented athlete, that's for sure. I think the coaches weren't sure where to use him. Hopefully, he will get he coaching he needs at the...
I think it will be tough to nail Johnny football down on anything. His beatdown in Tiger Stadium will come in due course! Can't wait to see it.
Thanks, Life got busy for me lately. Just haven't had time to surf the net. Things are better, and I'll be posting more.
I think Barrow is a good choice.
Go Chad! I miss the dreds!!!
That's cool! Speedy recovery for the little man!
Props to PP7 for taking the opportunity to help TM7. I hope the young man can prove himself worthy of the mentoring PP7 has provided him.
Good read! Thanks for posting the link.
That would suck beyond what words could describe!!!
Most cool!
Always go to my brothers house on NYE for for fireworks and drinks. We will just add the game to the fun this year!!!
He'll wait til Christmas! Lol
Happy Thanksgiving GDF! Sorry about the loss. It would have been cool to see the ducks make the big show! I bet the uni's would have been out...
I'm curious as to how well Ware would be throwing the ball out of the Warecat. It is all run so far in that formation. Maybe he could surprise...