well it's mutual because i absolutely LOATHE the braves. i would rather eat dogsh!t. :redface:
actually i think the ga dome is supposed to have a much better view from the uppers. some seats in the superdome are atrocious.
i've heard that there isn't a bad seat in the house. :thumb:
not sure if we can link to eBay or if that breaks the rules, but this is my favorite: Holy Bible Flask Secret Compartment Bible 4 Oz - eBay...
similar (perhaps the same damn thing) flasks on eBay are about 3 bucks shipped, so why not? i ordered a few to keep a certain someone filled with...
wasn't there already a thread on UNC players started? it just didn't really go anywhere. ^^ those are some pretty good ones though
that's where my money would go, if i were to bet on such things. actually i've had the play playing out in my head for weeks now.
man those are some terrible pictures of the guys. funny sh!t though. :lol:
i love oregon. steve prefontaine. 'nuff said. :thumb:
[/B] hmmm, could be a nice confidence booster for our passing game. but, it really sucks for UNC.
well, it's a blessing in disguise, IMO. what i'd be worried about is the second game of the season. nicholls has been building a decent...
i don't buy into it. sometimes it really does just come down to how the game plays out on the field. i'm not superstitious, nor do i believe in...
wow. :eek: while i wouldn't quite go as far as you, the thing that i like to point out to the bammers is this: the SEC west (as a whole) is...
hmmm... hell, i knew i read another article somewhere. but i also could have been drinking. anyway, it's been a long week, :D anyhow, the...
yeah, because those couple of players will make a whole helluva lot of difference. :nope: :D
i guess. but to be fair i really didn't read that far into it. but i also didn't take the first one as slamming the mom at all. the situation...
same information, but this time the writer just tried to use clever cliche's and catch-phrases to make it sound more like a feature story. when...
the twins have always been my favorite MLB team that actually contended. the astros are my favorite due to proximity and the fact that it was...
hell yeah, brother! :thumb:
definitely. actually, i did have johnnie and wally's sigs too. along with my favorite player ever: ryan "the riot" theriot. :bncry: