and who's to blame for NCAA football going "pro"? it's the "news" corporations like ESPN, the exorbitant prices of tickets, the addition of...
actually, some of the pricier units keep things in sync regardless. :hihi: but at that point, i'll just turn off the TV and listen.
:thumb: i just use a dvr. but there are dedicated devices ($$$) that allow you to professionally sync it up. podkatt would be the one to ask.
i agree. though it would be a great accomplishment, it would NOT be the greatest accomplishment of any sports team ever. this team is as talented...
welllllll, perhaps, but charlie usually butts-in when things get too bad. and that is about as great as anything, their bickering back-and-forth....
yep, we really can't just point out hawthorne's flaws without pointing the finger at the entire broadcast team. LSU still has him as "the voice"...
that is just ridiculously sick. :eek:
you're crazy! :lol: i put the TV on mute and turn the radio up because i love the enthusiasm and emotion. i can see what is happening on the...
well, you probably should have just posted this in the first place. don't make absolutely crazy assertions and then, when people shoot you down,...
couldn't really agree with this any more. :thumb: but i can add something to it: when you must absolutely BE in the stadium, it's not like it's...
sheesh, you guys aren't very reassuring at all are you? :hihi:
no doubt, dude, but at this point i would take an "irrelevant" game against someone like mcneese state, i just want some football! :grin: :helmet:
while i agree, i also anxiously await the UNC game, lol.
or an actual attempt.
OK, so i had to google this "chelsea handler" thing/place/store/restaurant/person..... and, :eek: it's a comedian who isn't even funny. talk...
maybe so, or you just don't know me that well. :lol: i'm too independent, i don't take sh!t off of no woman. :grin: especially when it comes...