Unfortunately it's believable. Each passing day proves just how totally clueless Senile Joe is. Unfortunately the alternative is nothing to hope...
Anyone watching the Olympic golf coverage. It just started on TGC.
You call it evidence. I call it bull shit presented by extreme leftists posing as journalists.
I don't watch CNN.
Gee, what a surprise. The national media is blowing this completely out of proportion. I wonder if the fact that this event occurred in DC has...
I had to use Google to find out who she was.
Absolutely nothing imo.
I think it's not a matter of if the SEC expands, it's a matter of when. Just my opinion, but if Texas moves to the SEC they would maintain their...
Excuse me for questioning your vast & superior knowledge of every subject known to mankind.
Turns out it appears I was wrong. After doing more reading it appears as though a 3/4 vote is required. Kirk Bohls on Twitter: "SEC bylaws...
I asked for a source because everything I've read says a majority vote is required.
It requires a majority vote of current members. I think they are in if both schools want in.
I don't drink whiskey often, but when I do it's Crown & water.
It was a little late, but the light finally came on. [ATTACH]
I wonder if they will ever add unknowns from the Iraq & Afghanistan conflicts? Probably not. I suspect todays modern medical technology enables...
The old memory ain't what it used to be. I was pretty sure the Tomb was manned around the clock, but wasn't 100 sure. That's why I asked.
Is an honor guard present at the Tomb 24/7?
OK, I'm going to show my age and probably ignorance here. I did a Google search on check liver light. It revealed it's a Cajun band. How does...