I think the Pentagon leadership was following the direction of the incompetent Commander In Chief and his incompetent advisors.
When CNN begins to question our exit strategy or lack there of, it's another sign of Biden being totally inept.
Actually all they had to do was wait for the US to elect an incompetent POTUS like Biden. Hindsight being 20/20, we should have started the...
Despite the time & money we have poured into trying to make the Afghani capable of defending their country it turns out to be a huge waste of...
I didn't laugh. Donate the $100 to your favorite charity.
I think they are able to do that with money they receive from the SEC.
At most schools football is one of two revenue producing sports. Are you suggesting football & basketball are going to generate enough revenue to...
[ATTACH] Substitute I for you and it describes Winston to a T.
If that happens, what do you think the effect will be on sports other than football?
Just when I thought you couldn't post anything dumber. BAM!!! Here you go.
Wrong again for almost the 10,000th time. I accept reality. I don't like it, but I accept it. It's obvious that you and your liberal pals...
We'll never know. I like the odds of him nuking the Taliban versus Gutless Joe sitting on his ass and doing nothing.
He's waiting for Biden's to have an opening. [ATTACH]
Yes I do. He has guts something Biden lacks. And I'm not surprised that you questioned my belief.
Biden vacates DC as Afghanistan, immigration crises accelerate | Fox News A prime time example of the lack of leadership from Senile Joe. Of...
I think that's spot on. I have a lot more confidence in the Vegas odds makers than what some sports writer thinks. I also don't forsee any...
I'm more interested in what I see on the field than what I think a head coach's personal assistant thinks.
Let me make it real simple for you. I DON'T TAKE PRESEASON POLLS SERIOUSLY.
Then why are people getting in your face?