How will the Chinese taking possession of the Black Hawk's be a threat to the continental US?
I don't think the Chinese gaining access to Black Hawk technology is any threat to us.
Unfortunately it's going to get worse. The Taliban have the airport surrounded and Senile Joe & his incompetent staff/advisors don't have a clue...
What/who is low T?
Is that who jmg is?
You made a statement saying we were gone. I asked you to provide a source backing up your assertion. If you think I'm being antagonistic...
The Black Hawks aren't going to be of much use to the Taliban's. They don't have the ability to fly or maintain them.
I often have trouble remembering what I did yesterday, but I don't recall seeing the film. I lost interest in baseball years ago.
Just when I thought you couldn't post anything dumber, BAM!!! There you go.
U.S offers further air support to Afghan troops amid Taliban offensive | Reuters 11-9-04 DCAA Input for OUSD(C) Hearing Briefing Book (
When did we stop providing logistics & air support?
I understand logistics. I spent 45 years (Air Force & working on Air Force contracts) in the logistics career field. Based on what I've read we...
Elaborate please.