It would confirm what I've suspected from the day I read your first post.
OK Dr. Shane. How long have I got?
Thanks, but I'll listen to the advice of my doctors. Also, Louisiana is in 5th place in deaths per 1 million population. Apparently you aren't...
How would you know if you haven't received a shot?
I've received both shots, the second coming in December 2020. No side or after effects that I can detect. I received the flu shot during my...
You can't be serious.
I'm watching the Eagles concert @ the Forum in LA. It's not the first time I've watched it.
WynnBET hasn't published a line for any game.
Other than you, no one has expressed interest. It only takes a second to type I'm in.
End of thread. There's no interest.
I guess it should have been a meme contest.
With the exception of you, I do engage people in conversation. I don't engage people with single digit IQs. I'll help you. That description...
Any interest in CFB and NFL contests this season?
Your act is beyond getting old. A link isn't needed to confirm it. Everyone know it but YOU!!
He didn't get mine.
I just watched Biden's press conference. To say that he is incompetent would be paying him the utmost compliment. Impeachment proceedings should...
And you?