New Orleans is a high crime city. And when the good people leave and the thugs remain and know that the police are preoccupied crime will...
The Saits are playing?? Oh well I'll be watching NCAA football
UH lets see maybe to make sure the community of law abiding citizens continue to willingly accept people since they have no where else to put them.
Appears the wind is helping in that process. Fox is reporting people hollaring for help.
Channel 11 is showing Dee Stanley and some Lafayette are on TV now saying things could not be better. :dis:
Area is flooded doesn't sound like help can get there
I am now concerned about these kids entering Lafayette Parish School. They should at least wear different color uni'sso they can be identified...
Huge fire off I-10 on FOX right now. THis is getting worse
A bunch of long term leases are now void. So if you can operate outside of N.O. Why Stay? You can commute or do business via the net so well now...
This support is late. The NG should have been deployed and on stand by when it appeared a cat 5 and worst case was on the way to N.O. Federal...
This morning I was getting a load ofcrapfrom some people in Lafayette for saying we needed to be prepared because it will be a matter of time...
You watch after everythig that is stolen that can be the leaders in N.O. will come out and say that they have stopped the looting and everything...
N.O. is now a war zone and the military should go in and take it back. The more they take out he less to worry about later.
What's left of N.O. must resemble a third world country and the thugs are in control. Food drops wouldnotwork until order and control is restored.
I belive you may be right on this one. I do wonder what Foster would have done as a business man in the gov position.
These morons are shooting at the Chinok helicopters trying to evac and help people.
I agree Unfortunately your tax money will go to there recovery. I heard this morning that the biggest problem facing the Tulane Medical center...
Re: NFL wants Saints to play close to home Yep Either we are stuck with them or they are stuck with us.
Sunday afternooon at 1 PM. HOT HOT HOT
Google Earth pics are at least 2 years old, some older. However the news has some pay pics they were showing before and after. Very much like...