you got to give him credit for not throwing the team under the bus, the full statement was more than what the OP posted ..he went into some...
All I got to say is that Im stuck in Cali now but grew up from 1968 to 1974 in the South end zone of Tiger Stadium , Id love to be there in person...
good for you!
you are really catching some of us with a serious case of redass , otherwise we are just a bunch of crazy sarcastic lunatic LSU fanatics
Im jealous
So you arent really so disgusted that you are throwing your tickets away........I thought you could throw them my way, I better check with my...
you have been quiet tonight...GEAUX TIGERS
@tirk I think its time for you to find some more intermissions!
seriously the way this was handled this subject wont be broached anytime soon, you can bet that behind closed doors there has been some ass...
you can send your tickets to me !!!!!!!!!!! Ill humbly accept yeaaaaaa!!!!! hot dogs are $10 at Dodger stadium and you risk you life for them........
wait Les effd around with someones wife whoah now
come on now we got a decent posting out of our gene pool I thought Id feed you some sarcasm, we could ask the gump troll to come back
Thats what a contract is for to protect the "hired" person even in uncertainty........besides with all this circus do you think any coach in their...
I think they just got Jim Harbarough , Michigan tried for Les a few years ago memba? we bought the farm, learn to make lemonade...GEAUX TIGERS
Nice first post , yall come back anytime you hear!
Not quite understanding it is certain that Les is coach next year if you are referring to uncertainty of the future well only if I had a crystal...
I think we will keep most of the recruits, they were considering leaving due to instability of the program not because they didnt like LSU, I...
well maybe not Les stated he was going back to talk to the recruits now that his is coach AND FU got smacked by FSU and I think it will be worse...
hey he kept throwing the ball tonight even though Harris couldnt connect......this is different than clamming up and run run run as in previous games
what happened to your tea? GEAUX TIGERS!