Once again, having elite 8 talent, and being an elite 8 team or playing at the level of an elite 8 team, are two very different things. And say...
I think you’re missing the point completely as well. It’s one thing to be irrational and expect to be in the top ten in every sport every year, or...
Did you read this thread at all? The writer linked at the beginning of this thread. You know, the one that works for that little-known news group....
and by the way, i never said we had an elite 8 team, i was referring to the talent - there is a big difference.
sorry, i apologize. according to a writer whose job is to research, follow, watch, and study college basketball, we had elite eight talent. what's...
nice. how old are you, 12?
Exactly. We had elite 8 talent this year and apparently we are supposed to be happy with making it to the tourney. Next year, we should have final...
Based on this assessment, I'd say we should all be happy and grateful that we simply made it to the tournament this year. :dis: With the...
Truth be told, this is not true. Go rewatch the opening of the game. How can you make this statement? In order to try to pass it into the...
The problem is that you’re missing the point. See, in case you and others haven’t noticed, we are hardly a one-dimensional team. In fact, our...
according to my satellite, texas will be shown with texas tech to follow.
In my opinion, the key to a run is going to be Antonio Hudson. Here's why. I would consider Bass, Davis, and Mitchell to be extremely consistent...
Thanks for your support USChater. Unfortunately, your comments are not welcome here because they are too rational and based too greatly on your...
Your judgements are misguided and completely wrong. And I am a fan, and as one, I have the right to critisize the bad as well as praise the good....
I don't think you truly understand my point or the situation. I'm not pretending to be an expert. All I know is what I've seen with my own eyes,...
I wouldn't be saying much of anything if Brady were losing. To me it'd be like losing a football game, I wouldn't want to talk about it for days,...
And by the way, you didn't touch the "Xs and Os" part of the post, which is what I was hoping someone would.
I think you missed the point tirk. In general, I respect your point of view, but you twisted words on this one. And that's a great attitude to...
First of all, let me state my position. For the first 4 years of Brady's tenure, I was a huge supporter - went to the open practices, all the...