I say lets continue trying to get the passing offense going against Tennessee, as UAB torched them for over 400 yards passing last Saturday in...
Well one thing we know, if it is second down and long Crowton will run some sort of running play 90 percent of the time.
It really doesn't matter who quarterbacks this team. As long as Gary Crowton is the offensive coordinator our offense will suck, and Gary Crowton...
Not really. It’s Crowton’s fault, as no QB under Crowton yet since the time he was the head coach and OC of BYU has been able to master his...
Sure, we are 4 & 0, but each one of those victories felt more like a loss than they did a win. Hence, it doesn't matter if we are 4 & 0, we are...
If I were Mettenberger, I’d make my commitment contingent upon Miles firing both Crowton and Studrawa at the end of the season. If Miles doesn’t...
Yeah, you really mean on hope and change, and we see where that got us.
Actually, I disagree. If you believe that Lee can’t do worse, go watch the La Tech game from last season again. Had Lee played last night under...
In my best MaDonna voice? :grin:
You don’t read and watch videos? By the way, when was the last time JL started a game? Well to paraphrase Miles, he said that JL has made...
Well in 2008, JL set a new NCAA single season record for pick sixes with 7 of them in 16 interceptions in just 8 starts, and in 2009, JJ’s first...
Oh he can most certainly do a lot worse, but with this dysfunctional of an offense, it doesn't matter if he does worse because we can't win the...
What you want? Me to sing it to you! I already acknowledged that he isn't cutting it either, but nonetheless he is by far the better of the two,...
Not in Crowton’s read option spread offense, as so for no QB yet, not at BYU, not at Oregon, and now not at LSU, has been able to master Crowton’s...
The coaches and the players, unless you believe that there is some sort of sinister conspiracy by the coaching staff and the players to keep JL...
Just curious...the coaches don't deserve most of the credit for the QB's poor performances. Why can other team's coaches coach QBs, but yet ours...
LSU-SIU is right. In 2007 Miles made Crowton use Fisher’s offense, and with the addition of the pistol package and a read option passing package,...
Well according to all past performances he will be quite a bit worse than Jefferson. In any event, since the offense is so dysfunctional thanks to...
What you mean I don’t have an answer either? He’s the starter because he unequivocally is the better of the two, unless you believe that he is the...
I agree...let's fire Crowton and Studrawa and get some better coaches to replace them. I'd rather replace Miles too, but I don't think that can be...