Each one of LSU’s victories this year has felt more like a loss than a victory. Furthermore, most fans don’t believe that LSU has a chance against...
Fans don’t look at average; instead they look at overall record and coaching performance. Richt built Georgia’s program up to elite status from...
Wrong! Actually, when Richt got called for an unsportsmanlike penalty where his whole team celebrated after the first touchdown was the last game...
Richt gets a little more slack than Miles because he built up the Georgia football program from when it was down, whereas Miles got lucky and...
If I’m an idiot, what does that make you? Crowton’s system didn’t work at BYU, it didn’t work at Oregon, and it sure in the hell isn’t working at...
I've been saying since last year that it doesn't matter who LSU's quarterback is, as long as Crowton is the OC, whoever the quarterback is will...
I saw it and I like quarterbacks getting on the case of receivers when they drop easy passes. They deserve it and especially that one that Wright...
You can keep Jake Locker, as he hit only 20 percent of his passes in the game against Nebraska.
If my son was the number one five star rated quarterback in the country and I lived next door to the LSU campus, I would try to encourage him to...
1 out of 10 balls catchable? What you smoking?
What bad attitude? Maybe a bad attitude towards fans who are dumb enough to boo him and blame him for LSU’s offensive woes, but with respect to...
Under Crowton’s read option spread offense it doesn’t matter if we have McElroy or Mallet. Whoever is the quarterback is going to struggle no...
Anyone remember the Kentucky game we loss in 2007? In the second quarter Charles Scott ran roughshod over them and could not be stopped. Then in...
As long as we have Crowton coaching our offenses, our offenses will be too undisciplined to blow anyone out. Now, when we blew out Virginia...
It would help tremendously too if we didn't have an incompetent OC screwing them up.
I agree, this team on offense is shooting itself in the foot in that it is making drops of easy passes and then committing stupid untimely...
Did the QB drop the passes and make the untimely penalties that forced 3rd and Crowton? And as a QB what would you rather face, a very manageable...
Actually, their defense didn’t stop LSU’s offense more than LSU’s offense stopped itself via dropped passes and untimely penalties that forced 3rd...
While I don’t like either one of them but I don’t believe Miles is hamstringing Crowton. However, I do blame Miles for hiring that loser and then...
This team can’t get into any kind of rhythm offensively because it is so undisciplined. If JJ throws a pretty pass, the receiver either drops the...