Final health bill omits some of Obama's promises - Yahoo! News
Link The Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You speech by John F. Kennedy Quote: "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do...
I just want to remind everyone that take a minute to remember the reason why some Dems, Pelosi, Obama want to bypass the constitution, its because...
Nolan Chart Surprised, Libertarian for me!:lol:
Global Warming Petition Project
I have a theory why Democrats are quitting and I would like to run the idea past some of you. My thought is the Democrats don't want to get the...
Climategate U-turn: Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email row admits data not well organised | Mail Online -...
Gun Rights Advocates Target California Detective Following Facebook Posts - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - - U.N. Climate Chief: Critics Should Rub Their Faces With Asbestos Here's one for the global warming alarmists although I don't buy... - Dutch Point Out New Mistakes in U.N. Climate Report The IPCC's beleaguered climate report faces the prospect of still more errors,... - Ohio High School Accused of Promoting Political Agenda in Classroom
Why Chicago Loves Portland - Very Interesting! Quote: "I've always thought America stands for [rewarding success]. You finish high...
Climate change emails between scientists reveal flaws in peer review | Fred Pearce | Environment |
It seems to be all over the internet but I haven't found a good source, normal news outlet. It seems like no one is running with this story. If... I did post this in the military vs civilian thread but I thought it deserved its own thread. - States' Secretaries of State Are Tipping Balance of Power - Watchdog: Bank Bailouts Created More Risk in System Quote: The government's bailout of financial institutions deemed "too big to...
I just want you guys to know the Saints really do have a good shot at winning this game, I don't care what anyone says. I will give you an... - TARP Cop: Some Bailout Goals Still Unmet "And in a slap at Congress and the Obama Administration, Barofsky said that “it is hard to... Simply hilarious!:rofl: