link Saudis fund Balkan Muslims spreading hate of the West - Times Online SAUDI ARABIA is pouring hundreds of millions of pounds into Islamist...
Whoops: Energy Star approves gas-powered alarm clock | Grist Well this is embarrassing: Federal monitors granted the Energy Star stamp of...
Millions of white men who voted for Barack Obama are walking away from the Democratic Party, and it appears increasingly likely that they'll take...
Now it's CowGate: expert report says claims of livestock causing global warming are false – Telegraph Blogs It is becoming difficult to...
YouTube - Tim Hawkins - The Government Can Funny video Article
Link Social Security Payout to Exceed Revenue This Year - Quote The bursting of the real estate bubble and the ensuing recession have...
Health Care Bill - Text of H.R.3590 as Engrossed Amendment Senate: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -... OpenCongress Beginning not...
News Headlines
Pact to cut US-Russia nukes; signing in 2 weeks - Yahoo! News You have to wonder if he is going to down size the military? I mean after all of... - FBI Investigates Possible Threats Directed at House Democrats What comes around goes around.:lol: The Dems were responsible for...
Banks to lose billions in student loan revamp - TODAY Technology & Money That should teach the evil private sector. The socialists should be...
Coverage For Sick Kids Under Question In New Law - Kaiser Health News
I don't know if it would be legal for me to post so I won't for now. This link is a petition from The Senate Conservatives Fund, chaired by U.S.... - Eat Less Meat, Reduce Global Warming -- or Not Opposing Views: Study: Eating Less Meat Won't Reduce Global Warming 'Go veggie...
13 attorneys general sue over health care overhaul - Yahoo! News
Link Nancy Pelosi's New Health-Care Bill - The government would pay for 93% of insurance costs for a family making $42,000, 72% for... - What the Health Care Reform Bill Means for You WSJ
Kimberley A. Strassel: Inside the Pelosi Sausage Factory - Even in these waning minutes, Senate Democrats were playing their own games....
I think the Dems are in big trouble come November, I expect they will ram everything on their agenda from Immigration reform to cap and tax. Also...
The Income Tax System is Broken - CBS News Wow look at the date on this story. Some want to trust the government with healthcare?