Harris: Obama knew of Blagojevich plot :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich A top aide to former Gov. Rod Blagojevich said he believed Barack...
Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny? - IBD - Investors.com When Adolf Hitler was building up the Nazi movement in the 1920s, leading up to...
Between this link and the $7 a gallon link are just 2 examples of our standard of living decreasing due to the environmentalists. This doesn't...
Link $7-a-gallon gas? - NYPOST.com
Link News Headlines Quote: Current economic policies are not sustainable and the world faces doom because "the governments are taking over",...
Red flag for a sinking Obama: Americans now prefer Hillary Clinton | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times My thoughts on this is I believed...
worst-made-cars-on-the-road: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance If you want to drive something dependable and long-lasting, steer clear...
Medicaid Drops Coverage For Mom With Cancer - cbs4.com FORT LAUDERDALE (CBS4) ― Diana Smith has gone through six months of radiation and...
Congress sees no budget rush - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com Unlike citizens’ tax-filing deadline, Congress’s mid-April benchmark is nonbinding....
VOIGHT: My concerns for America - Washington Times I know this isn't exactly new but it was fitting at the time and today, we can see that his...
Interest Rates Have Nowhere to Go but Up - NYTimes.com Even as prospects for the American economy brighten, consumers are about to face a new...
FOXNews.com - Florida Democrat Grayson Crashes Republican Meeting at Restaurant Quote: A viral video has made the rounds on the Internet of Rep....
More Information at link The Federal Observer Thinking about selling your house? - A look at H.R. 2454 (Cap and trade bill) Wow! Home owners...
Trial and Triumph: Stories Out Of Africa : NPR October 9, 2008 Ofeibea Quist-Arcton, NPR's Africa-based correspondent, tells why her beat...
“Health care” bill threatens your health care | Independence Institute: Patient Power...
Link News Headlines By the end of 2010, about half of all commercial real estate mortgages will be underwater, said Elizabeth Warren, chairperson...
Republican Attorney General John Suthers has filed a lawsuit along with other attorney generals from other states. Four governors have sent...
Underemployment Rises to 20.3% in March Keep in mind that taxes from Health care are just now going to go into effect not to mention if cap and...
FOXNews.com - Global Warming Advocates Threaten Blizzard of Lawsuits Environmentalists, unable to squeeze "cap and trade" rules through the U.S....