I had no idea how right I was about Obama being another Jimmy Carter!:insane::lol: We once again have Americans held hostage in Iran. Can't wait...
New York-Based Radical Muslim Hails Fort Hood Massacre - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com Why should we...
Democrats' Plan to Help 'Uninsurables' Requires 6-Month Wait - FOXNews.com Quote from article: "You're afraid your cancer is back, and a health...
Record Number of Millionaire College Presidents - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com Interesting article, its too...
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125686509223717691.html "The models are imperfect" This is what I've been preaching here and some are not...
Tracking Your Taxes: Energy and Water Budget Grows Despite Recession - Political News - FOXNews.com Everyone should be concerned about the out of...
There are some pretty big elections coming up in Virginia and Jersey, plus next year. Vote the incumbents out of office, it doesn't matter which...