Yes....East Texas has it's own unique rainfall stats. Geebus. Go look some numbers up, then Mr. 24.
Lol. I don't think they missed anything. I heard the Scarborough birthday shit on Friday. A lot of those have heard multiple times in the last...
That's where I am. If somebody plays lights out and they've earned it, so be it. Spreading it around for the sake of doing so is the everyone...
No. Provo, Seattle, South Bend, Boulder, Tempe, Berkeley.
Awards are always subjective and often considered "unfair" if you aren't on the winning end, and that includes the Heisman. Nice to have, but...
It was a tough call whether to drop this here or the social idiocy thread but based on content, it belongs here. Alyssa Milanoā€¸Verified account...
Platinum, no doubt. And then? :p
Or maybe he's acknowledging that God is a female? But seriously, no truer statement has been made about occasional cortex
No one? Lol. How many do you think, compared to the CWS?
For comparison because I like to chase odd facts.... This season, LSU will travel to 5 away games for a total of 2,002 miles. USC will travel to...
I vaguely remember it but I don't save shit like that, it's too easy to find newer research. "The effects of airplane travel on athletic...
Tennessee I think, has played more Pac12 opponents than any SEC team. Hate to say it but Bama is the only SEC team with a WINNING record against...
Bet I can scare you..... [IMG] "For what purpose does the gentleman from Ohio - um, from Illinois, excuse me, seek recognition?" she said as...
I don't know how early the non-conference games were arranged but going into next year, based off of season-end last year, Miami and FSU are...
I wish I could find a pic. All the ones I saw, it's cut off at her shins, can't see the feet. Must be a Bama conspiracy, lol.
How is this idiot an elected representative?...
You said you weren't sure why they were illegal. Rule stated, and although no pic, I definitely saw a violation. Rocking wasn't her issue....
Dunno any of that but thought Terry should know that LSU softball had a fish in the dugout 4 years ago....
It is during delivery and it is illegal. There are 2 basic pitching rules that are being discussed. 10.4.5 Leaping is not allowed. The pitcher...