He's gonna pay one way or the other....or he can move on to the next. She's got more incentive to deal.
If'n you really wanna do it right....during the playing of TUSK, there are 5 notes at the end of one stanza and we yell, "u*c*l*a SUCKS!...
Okay fellas.....check the body language on the gf. Lol....
[IMG] [IMG] Lafayette girl picked the wrong Hooch it is.
I've never seen this much coverage. Between cable and internet, every game has been available. Fan support at the games has been really good too.
Big Aud is....big.
Been there, done that. Better ways to spend vacay cash IYAM.
Not at all. I knew exactly what thread I was in.
Wisconsin walk-off homer win over the Irish was awesome.
I would. It was a waste of money for someone from CA. Whyz that? His sense of humor is beyond yours, really. Not so much. You aren't Asian,...
That will be a lifetime of shoulder pain.
Can't remember who was on the mound today....yesterday, Gorsuch pitched really well but she is constantly working on that crow hop. I was...
Where the heck has Bayou gotten to? Doesn't that bastard watch softball?
I'm already cool.
I'm not a "we".
Tech up by 4, still 1st inning.
I thought Asians had small ones.
Awwww.....what happened to ElDICK? :D
You jelly?