It's the Triple Ace's birthday!
This article is complete crap, fake news at its finest. They black militia was harassing/intimidating a white motorist trying to get thru....
Hope they did not dent the car too bad.
I got the over/under at five days! I’ll take the under on the arkancide.
[IMG] [IMG] “This will not break me. I will not give in, nor will I back down.” Bubba... Bubba is an excellent race card driver.
My sympathies.
No noose is good news.
Noosecar BubbaSmollet
All these racist events, spray painting the racist epitaph and nooses, have been fake... and with nascar saying they will run the person...
Cops are calling out in Atlanta.... they will see the flames in chatanooga
Don’t be mistaken, tasers can kill you and have killed people before, it’s just unlikely... I would guess it would be similar to some under 65...
Don’t resist, don't hide your hand or make sudden movements with them, don’t run and don’t point a weapon at a cop and things go pretty well for...