Saturday's game against USC will obviously go a long way in proving this hype right or wrong. If they win Saturday, even Trev Alberts might have...
Barring injury to an RB, I completely agree on Edwards. There's no reason to waste a year of eligibility if he would only play if the game was...
I'm in. Thanks Ch0sn0ne.
Another vote for the Franklin - Gottfried tandem. They are clearly the best in my book. Also, I love Chris Spielman because of how he tells it...
I'm a little torn on this topic. I agree I don't want to slow down a 3.5 hour game even more, but OTOH I hate to get screwed on a bad call. I...
That's really too bad because even if he comes back in 4 weeks he's going to be so far behind. I hope he's still given a chance to contribute...
I think the main reason for the times for our game vs. the UF-UT game is they are in the eastern time zone. Noon for them is better than 11:00am...
Wow, that would be big news. More than double would be significant enough that it could impact attendance, especially for the "non-big" games.
Who said they hated Deion? I just said I thought he was overrated, especially as a baseball player.
I saw this countdown on SportsCenter yesterday. While I disagreed on Pete, I did agree on Namath, Lynn Swann, and Deion.
I agree a pretty good preview. A little surprised to see Georgia picked 3rd in the East. Also, hard to argue with rating us having the 3rd...
At this rate, we might need two of those 11 run innings.
I've been pretty impressed with the thoroughness of the CFN previews. I noticed the Bama board was equally impressed with their preview today....
Tulane is not near as good on the road as they are at home. I like our regional. It's the possible matchup with Baylor in the super that...
I'd say this win (I'm assuming we're not going to blow this lead) guarantees us a Top 8 seed on Monday.
I'm pretty sure thats the type of mentality will probably keep Gameday away from here.
College Baseball Insider is projecting 8 teams out of the SEC in their latest projections. I just can't see how the regular seaons winner of a...