Sorry, but I can't watch anymore. What does Javi Sanchez do to earn his pay? It surely isn't getting the guys prepared for the entire season....
Mainieri keeps saying the offense has to come to life, but with 6 players bating less than .100, that isn't good. Plus Eades has an opponent's...
Katz misjudged that early hit in the 11th. That should have been an out! LSU has no real backup out there, but he just made up for it with the...
Hope they can hold in the top of the 11th and then get that run in the bottom! Geaux Tigers!
We get nothing because the coaches just are too greedy and LSU can't BUNT! Now SB gets a double with ease and LSU get get anything out of its at...
Nola needs to come out! LSU will have trouble coming back with more runs coming across!
Two double plays don't help and Nola has been elevating his pitch too much!
Does LSU still have a runner on 2nd w/ one out in bottom of 8th?
Vandy is very good & LSU will be hard-pressed to take a game from them. Depending on who starts Friday & Saturday, I hope to see at least one...
What is the score? Also, you are talking about the Sunday game, right?
Meant, 2-2! Sorry!
Is it still 5-5 bottom of 5th?
This is a REALLY BAD season & even though Laval went to 2 CWS, he hasn't won a CWS game & the team has gone down hill ever since he took over the...
He just seems to do better when he is playing & not as DH. His average has also fallen off big-time.
Dirks is looking a lot like he did last year, but can anyone tell me why Jordan Mayer is the DH? Two on & only one out he strikes out for the 2nd...
GA came ready to play, LSU did not. It is embarrassing. Russell doesn't see what GA's defense is doing. He is really overrated!!!
Re: ALABAMA/LSU GAME THREAD the whole game, except the 3rd quarter, was ugly for LSU. I can't believe LSU isn't going for a place kicker! 3 fgs...
Re: ALABAMA/LSU GAME THREAD i just wish he could have made one of the two missed fg's!
Re: ALABAMA/LSU GAME THREAD Must be you, pal!