I'm in. Merry Christmas CO!
It works, you'd be surprised. Now, if you'd let go of her steering wheel and let me run her car off the road...
If you knew tiga like I do, you'd know 2 things for certain. 1/ He will honor his word. 2/ He has more backup plans than a 5 Star General.
UAB is made up of Saban rejects.
Just showing the lady he does bring substance with his positions. Seems like she may be the one needing some seeing glasses.
Can you all see who picked which team? Who got UAB tonight and who got N I'll? Oh and who gonna grab my balls out his bride's ass?
Waaasssssuuup baw? lol Speaking of balls, please pull mine outcha bride's ass.
Buy, hell. I'd gladly give them.
CO, tell the truth? Yes or No, do you have any naked pictures of your wife?
Dude's a legend. Mach 2 in the bedroom.
What I'd like to see is CO2 and his wife making whoopie.
It would seem like the percentages are lower for a defensive player to get injured than an offensive one. Am I correct in thinking that?
Greedy may have unknowingly “spoken” to an agent without realizing it would force the decision to forego playing, maybe??? Or maybe a family...
He had surgery. https://news.google.com/articles/CAIiEBuwnjyFh0mE_gL-y01S8ZkqFggEKg4IACoGCAow5tYTMODEAjCCuwQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en
Seasons are too long/risky. He’s already played in 12 games this season. That’s enough.
I bet @locoguano is at the game.
I did it like this s @COTiger doesnt get confused sndnpost in the wrong thread. In fact, we need a Big 10 Championship Game Thread so I hope...
Go Sooners!
Fuck the Blue Wave.
Desantis bout to whop dat ass.