@COTiger don’t play man, if you’ve fallen out of your wheel chair and are lying on the floor, press the red button and say, “Help, I’ve fallen...
Can you hear me now?
Hook, line... he’s so easy it’s almost not fun.
Gonna hafta sit this one out. Going to Mass with both daughters and son in law then eat out after. Rare occasion we can all get together with one...
She ma lil pea.
Agree with you in process should be simplified. Wait, wouldn’t that be an anti guberment statement like you said you don’t like them saying on the...
Another thing I like to watch. Am I alone? And I guess vball is gonna tell me that’s fake as Hollywood titties too.
Hell no and those tears on tv are fa real.
bullshit. Wrestling is real too.
He’s a great ambassador, no doubt, but it’s not like we (LSU) has a monopoly on getting kids NFL ready.
Such a violent bish. lol
Cause, for example, one idiot has a “new girlfriend” but hasn’t broken it off with the one he brought. Plus, they show video clips to the “other”...
What the hell? Is all y’all watch is sports?
Man, that show makes me nervous. Anyone else here watch it? Playing now.
You’re so right about not putting hitters away. 13 batters in a 3-2 count and awarded first.
We’re becoming a basketball skewl. I read on another forum we had 8 0-2 counts where we wound up walking the batters!!!
You know I’m all in! Rally cap! 2 down, 8 to go in order for us to have a chance!!!
I can vouch for this.
@shane0911 is so much like CO I’m waiting for him to say our pitchers can’t even throw it in the ocean.
Afternoon sweetheart!