I will be the first to admit I was wrong about JL, I honestly thought He had a better passing game than JJ. I was sure that he would come in and...
Everyone knew the Bama's O-Line Is dominant, Everyone Knew the Bama's QB was not very good in the passing game. Why didnt Chavis Load up the LOS...
Now that is funny right there!:rofl::rofl:
Mr. Fish head, Here is my problem.... I simply made a post that pointed out that the the TV announcers were calling Matt Ryan "Matty Ice" because...
What? What am I missing? HELP!
Actually, The ULL thread you are refering to I was trying make Tiger Forums look a little better, IMHO it makes LSU fans look stupid when the...
only 1 ULL quote and that makes me a big ULL fan? My post of ULL was pretty accurate. 1 ULL post and I have tendencies lol:insane:
Okay, I know Im not the sharpest tool in the shed but what does "The pot calling the kettle black" have to do with this thread? What am I missing?
Okie, I dont get.
Sir, please explain.... give examples. you have a tendency to be full of crap!
I hate tampons! well, sometimes a red and white tampon is a good thing.
Guess my #1 team......BTW SF I can always count on you to come up with something witty
I simply said Matt Ryan was called "Matty Ice" before The LSU "Matty Ice" and I get all this...... Matt Ryan Fan? NOT, ULL fan? ULL is my...
Go to Hell!
Yes....your right. Matt Ryan did play for BC before tonights game.:insane:
Actually Matt Ryan was called Matty Ice while he was at BC.
Dang, I thought it was because CLM read all of my post (bitching and complaining) on Tiger Forums!:miles:
Kodi Burns lost a couple of teeth last night. He was able to play later in the game. (he is a tough kid) sorry if someone posted this already
side effects from boudin?