FOX ROCKS! I loved that Fox showed the Golden Band From Tigerland playing "Pregame". I was ready to knock down a wall for Les after seeing that....
So true! I would have been curious to see what he would have done with a full stock of scholarships. SOME Bama fans talk about Shula like he went...
Domanick Davis appeared in Houston's locker room Monday with a new haircut and a new attitude. But the biggest change is in his name....
I accept JayB's apology. At least his ramblings were made on this forum. Some other regular posters here decided to go on the aforementioned BAMA...
I've been wondering why ESPN has hidden Ron Franklin all year long. Old Mo must be the type that cuts off his nose to spite his face. Firestone...
DITTO here too! Stick it where the sun doen't shine JayB. You're a Grade A JACKASS! BTW, I was at the I-Bowl and had a good time with all the...
Re: WVU showing a litlle Jimbo love Isn't Saban from West Virginia? FORGET I SAID ANYTHING!!
One of my personal favorites from that magical night... [IMG] Marquise Hill putting Jason White's game on "mute" in the Sugar Bowl.
[IMG] Hello Again Mr. Heisman !!!
[IMG] This reminds me of a quote made after our last Sugar Bowl appearance:
I don't know if he was interested, interviewed or even called. But he and Dennis Erickson and a few others were darlings of Tiger chat rooms and... Rodriguez agrees to become...
That is STRONG!! What makes it even more gutsy is that Gary PLAYED IN THE BIG TEN (Purdue)!
I think it's time to schedule Florida Atlantic and New Mexico. Then work our way down the rest of that list.
Tigers early favorite (-8.5) O/U 54.5 Vegas: about 32-23 LSU
Our Tigers 38 Our Lady 10 Someone send Mike Golic the lyrics to "Hey Fightin' Tiger"!
CORSO: ND ? Beat LSU? in a HOME GAME for LSU? HAH?!? "I wouldn't want to play LSU if I were the Indianapolis Colts!!"
No dome on the CB exposes the teams to Dallas unpredictable Jan. 1 weather. Also the SWC went downhill quick in the 80s. Recruiting violations...
It's all coming back to me now . BAMA couldn't play that night because of the SECCG. I watched Hawaii games back to back hoping for them to lose...