It’s not the laptop. It’s the way it was handled. Learn to read my responses. I’ve stated this numerous times. I don’t give a fuck about the...
Who was it that said the laptop was a made up story? I feel like you’re trying to rewrite history here
I mentioned the media because you mentioned the media.
So it’s your position that there is nothing afoul on that laptop? Also, that the laptop is a lie spread by Russians and Republicans? And that we...
This is the equivalent of a child plugging his ears and saying “I can’t hear you lalalalalala”
Did they tell you that at brunch?
If you say so
They definitely shouldn’t be in a garage behind a car. Oh, shit, we’re pretending to be mad about someone else who broke the law. Fake outrage
Dems know this won’t go anywhere. But it’s a way for them to try and remove Trump from the race.
Thinking about molesting his own daughter again
I mean, when that little girl got on the news and was all excited about indicting trump, we kinda all knew where it was headed. I think my...
It’s easier to pretend to not see my point than admit your moral compass isn’t as true as you think. S’all good brah. It’s expected.
Fuck trump. I don’t suck any of it up. At least Biden got rid of all that student debt. But because I don’t believe what any of these lying...
I think the DOJ would’ve made a comment if there was no credibility. They weren’t very tight lipped about the trump allegations into Russia.
I don’t speak for everyone, but I will say that my what-aboutism is mainly from the way you and rex are so indignant about Biden and Hillary...
Except for the times you do
Cute name. If trump has committed a crime, lock him up.
Rex, has Twitter not put out a response for you to regurgitate yet?
Not weird at all