Agree. I'm one of the many.
I don't see Riley coming here, but I'd take him for sure. So... For me Tucker and Fickell are tied for first choice, I'm not sure if either...
So how many do we have, and how meny do we need? What's the gap?
To late, there was an outbreak in India a month ago. It was the second outbreak in 3 years
So you both know 'she'!! Gotta be a story there somewhere.
In all seriousness, I do the squeeze test before I buy and if they feel right get them. I shop different places, but as long as its a quality...
Did it originally start out as a 'fire O' thread and get hijacked? Kidding. :) Thanks lsu-i-like!! Appreciate your basketball passion!!
WOW, never had heard the sub story before. We came so close Thanks
He's cotton candy, fun in the short term, but ultimately unsatisfying. Something all adults know.
Whether its biologically engineered or nature produced is a separate discussion. And its an important one because this isn't the last virus, its...
I understand what you're saying, I can see it from yalls point of view. Generally, stated with sarcastic humor, you think the whole COVID thing...
Remember during the Obamacare debate one of the big issues the anti-Obamacare faction would point out is that Obamacare Bureaucrats would use...
The food SME of the family suggests putting it in the window - preferably one with sunlight some of the day.
How 'unripe' is it?
If it contains facts about COVID deaths the other sides clueless sheeple will rationalize it away.
Well it was at one time in the 20s, 30s, and 40s when Tulane was good in football. Yes, I said Tulane was good in football. They even played the...
JMG and Pride; its been fun gotta go back to work, have a nice day.
So lets let the virus wipe out the people who were born wrong genetically, and the 40% of Americans who will develop cancer in their life, AND if...
That's easy to say if there hasn't been over a century of effort, both violent and regulatory, to keep your family from voting. Much of it was...
I never brought racism into the conversation. He protests to much.