Woodward feels something in this coaching search that Aleva didn't; Woodward knows he is secure in his job. Woodward doesn't have to release...
That is exactly who I thought about when I saw it; that's what it was like to play against Fournette when he was 7.
Laugh my ass off. He literally stiff armed 5 kids in their face mask and shoved them to the dirt. Give that kid a NIL contract right now!!
I have it good authority (saw on the internet) that he did participate on Tigerfan site under the name . . . . sabanfan!! :)
In years past, has there ever been other rumors of Riley considering other positions? The me his situation seems much different than Jimbo at...
I'm in Houston and work with a lot of faggies and when they had beaten everyone in the SEC west except LSU for years it really gnawed at their...
I had an uncle, by marriage, who flew bombers over Europe in WWII. After hearing some of those stories I figured the bravest guys in the war were...
I understand how that 'dislike' feels; although mine is the gayturds.
I don't understand the knocks on Joseph as a position coach. He became WR coach in 2017 so he's been the position coach of Ja'Marr Chase, Justin...
He seems to have a different attitude about the draft than Mainieri did. For Mainieri it was always a burglar raiding his house and he was...
That's a good point. When this broke I remember thinking how stupidly nieve he was to think he could get away something this blatant. Did he...
Given our recent history I'd rather not be the high profile program that puts it's name on the line to prove Freeze is reformed. We have enough...
So he wasn't president yet so it's not totally over the line that I thought. But its a horrible inerasable visual. I think I know who did it....
WOW, JJ's knocking it out of the park and he hasn't even gotten up to bat yet. I'm ready for beisebol!!!
I'm in no way a Trump fan and this still feel's over the line to me. Where did this happen?
I like Aranda and I think he would be more likely to keep the current coaches that are good and are good recruiters. Specifically Raymond and...
I couldn't place his Dune roll and I've seen it a hundred times so had to look it up. Dr Yueh, the traitor.
That's a good point to consider with respect to Sun Belt dominance. Considering the 'settling' point; I wonder if we haven't set ourselves up for...
The only reason Riley isn't at the very top of any of my lists is for some reason my gut has always said he wouldn't make the move. However, if...
I like what I've seen in Woodward and still trust him to get this right. We don't know the conversations going on in the background between...