It's not your call to tell someone where to worship my friend. Again large tracks of Texas are not impacted and I contend probably wont every be.
My grandfather was 6'2" and rail thin but had diabetes. He loved ice cream liked noone I ever saw. The doctors would tell to give it up or the...
People that are attending church services in this environment most likely believe that God is the only salvation from this plague. If someone...
Interesting factoid. On Okinawa is a Japanese Peace Park. They have black or grey (cant remember) granite slabs akin to the Vietnam Memorial....
Both sides couldn't give 2 shits about the average American, they only care about getting reelected so they can stay at the bacon wrapped shrimp...
When you quit looking you quit finding
If it trully is to build roads and bridges then yes but I suspect a ton of it will go to studying monkey sex or some other bullshit.
Sure hindsight we should have kept them for us. But that is just not what historically we have done. The medias actions in regards to trump...
He would do it because we always send medical supplies to places that need them. A more fair question would were replacements ordered for the...
Be honest here, you have to admit, he would have been chastised for not sending them by the same media that is chastising him today for sending them.
Self induced
All persons travelling from Louisiana to Texas are subject to 14 day quarantine. State troopers are at checkpoints along the highway.
Democracy always needs sunshine to flourish. What the media is not doing is stating the obvious, which is our case count is increasing because...
He is the CEO i.e. captain of the ship. His message should one of encouragement and motivational support to the country. Behind the scenes it's...
your in a circular argument your citing offical Chinese numbers to confirm offical Chinese numbers.
Believe what you want
And you actually believe the numbers coming out of china???? I read and article this morning where thousands of funeral urns are stacked outside...
And Hugh Hefner was over heard saying "Hot damn, I'm back bitches" Today the houston mayor was saying...
10000 people a day traveled between china and the US between nov and jan. No way it hasn't be here since dec or jan.