If you saw 1/2 the shift they stuck in us while in the military you would not ask that question.
My yellow squash is doing fantastic. My serrano and jalapeno peppers are as well. My tomatoes looks like death.
And americans today are scared of a virus that kills at most 2% of its victims.
I was there 2 times total of 24 months. I was stationed at futenma 1 year and foster the second but I spent time at all the camps on the island,...
I looked on google earth you can find it and you can see the granite slabs from the street view. It in the southern end of the island
I dont know when it was built but i first saw it ~1988. And the taco rice was always a must do after a hard night of drinking.
Tell me exactly how its different if someone assembles 10 people in their backyard versus 10 people meeting at a church?
Not about me I have not set foot in a church for over a year. It's about how we are just willing to tell people that they dont have a right to...
Yall are advocating people give up their right to worship because someone might no matter how remote have a disease that to 80% of people is a...
Ok...if they want to put themselves in the crossfire then it's their choice
You are the first person on this thread to mention large gatherings.
The point it is not your decision, its there's to attend or not to attend
Wow, imprisonment for going to church...#stalinmuch
Noone said unlimited freedom This all started with someone saying the Texas govenor was pandering to his base. I could care less what his...
We seem content to mandate people stay isolated, to give up essential liberties like freedom of religion all because a disease which according to...
Yes exactly you pay for what you did not what you might do.
Ill leave this right here.... Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
I dont, but it's not about me, they have a choice to attend or not. No one is required to attend. Not your decision, this country was founded...
If I attend a church with 10 or less people how is that different that me being in a group of 10 or less people. You are wanting to place...
My name is not shane... and again people that are attending church are not hurting you or I or anyone else.