Yes I went to home depot in Huntsville Texas on friday and people were looking at me as if i had the plague. Walker county as of Friday only had...
You are not allowed to ask that question.
He knew he was ending his career when he sent that letter, doesnt matter the reason the Navy ain't letting that stand. I hope he gets better also.
He probably had dirt on hrc
That would suck i was looking forward to him causing Saban's artery on the side of his head exploding.
Terrible life
Watch suicide deaths will out number covid 19
Death rate is highest in country at 32 deaths per 100000 people. Not to be heartless but that does not seem that high.
Ok fellas poll question are they coming off or going on?
Whitmer is a great beer, I think from Portland Oregon
Personal liberty comes with a cost...responsibility
I agree with half that statement, do want you want but when your life goes to shit dont expect help
Damm H² would be cool
Schneider is good Paulaner is better
His kids name is Howard Howard? If I was him my signature would be H².
Ah something I know a thing or two about. One of the best beers on the market period is Paulaner, drink in a tall glass not from bottle. A good...
Man to see all those acts together would have been something.
Case point where I was softened, I used to believe that a person was who they were and that their environment had nothing to do with who they...
An English professor I had would preach everyone should 10 opinion articles everyday of which 1/2were of an opposing view to yours. It was wise...