Patton's saw the world for what it is... right and wrong. He was completely uncompromising and that is why he was successful.
I never said the ahit ain't contagious, we just have utterly shit all over our economy for something that over 98% of the population will recover... Go ahead wear your...
I was born in bourg and raised in new iberia, thank you very much. I moved to Texas after the Marine Corps because the opportunity for bettering...
I'll pass
Is she naked?
We will see, you already see people striking because of work conditions...that isn't going to change very soon, now that everyone is cowering in...
I'm not so sure the economy rebounds quickly we have panicked everyone (a whole lot on this board). What company is going to want to be first to...
Problem is we wont ever know. But we as sure as hell know in two weeks we had 10 M mofos file for unemployment.
My chickens make about 15 eggs a day so I have breakfast everyday I'm not in the office. Usually ham egg and cheese sandwiches or if we have them...
First off by current count estimates corona virus wont kill 250000 people in the us this year. Dont know where you get your 800000 number. But...
There are probably 20 ways to die which have higher occurence than that. We are not shutting down our economy and freedoms for them.
Agreed, personal liberty comes at a cost
Today cities are telling churches and businesses they must close, whether that is smart or not is not the question. The constitution is not a...
All good advise that people should follow, it should not be the law of the land.
Whatever...Walking down an alley in new orleans or detroit is more dangerous than that and you can't shoot a person just because they are there....
Read an article out of Australia where a man and woman were fined 2k for sitting in their car in an open space. That is what's coming to city...
The fact that so many people are asymptomatic, is exactly why i believe this is being overblown.
Just to make a point about how tough human immunity can be. Way back in the late 80s or early 90s I went to Bangladesh with a water purification...
Nobody is saying this thing isn't contagious, I just dont believe it is deadly enough to destroy our countries economy over. And if you want to...