This was a minor disease in the grand scheme of things wait till something with some real killing power is unleased on the planet.
I think that hog farmers and beef ranchers are going to have bad go of it. And unless you didn't know you cant just hold off and sale next year....
That's whole point...once we are past thia one another will eventually come around. Might as well go one with life...if its your time it's your time
Funny shit right there Texas about to reopen for business...
Anybody who has a compromised immune system could die from covid19... or any other communicable disease. I am with @shane0911 if I have to walk...
I think that is the one about me and @CajunlostinCali red bikini babe.
Who could you possibly do this. I heard yesterday that the cdc believes the virus has been in NYC since at least jan. In all likelihood the...
They Do that all the time just think of the cali fires
More than 98% live... the real question is would you bet that much money on something that only increased your chance by less than 2 %. Money...
I have watched the YouTube video for inspite of ourselves atleast a dozen times since he died.
I like her a lot also. I bet that's why she will be blackballed. She could actually unite the country which is something the Democrats and...
Rice isn't black, just ask most black people
50 lb Sack of later pellets is about 15 and this time of year their eating more from land, ie bugs, grasses e.t.c. so their ejs are very tasty....
Insert random black woman
I live about 100 miles from Houston. I only go there for work.
I was a young 19 y/o Marine when I got to SKorea. As we were hiking up what seemed like endless mountains I found a new appreciation for the men...
I agree that I have found things to enjoy in the 20 or so countries I have been to. But i dont agree that a larger city equals better. I enjoy...
At who, everyone around me is sitting on hundreds of acres. But it is nice to have all the yard eggs I want. My coworker buys everything we dont...
No more doc brown...