I disagree although it is heartless the people that are going to die from this are going to die and the rest of will develop immunity and be stronger
There actions have no impact on you. We need to reach down grab a pair and start acting like americans again. This virus is not that bad.
You do realize the gov shut down their ability to go the feed stores and get seeds for planting...growing season in Michigan very short and they...
Apples and oranges
Its deadly to a very specific segment of society, that's it period...if your in the target zone take precautions. No need to destroy our way of...
Preach on brother
Can I like this 10x
I got full payment yesterday
It wont be like someone opens the faucet full blast it will be a gradual return which will really hurt the little guys.
You dont know that we will never know how this would compare if we just went our business like normal.
Probably from your hard water. Whenever I have to add water to the pool from the well it turns red for a day until its filtered out.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-meatpacking-idUSKCN21U0O7 Get ready for meat prices to start going up
And this is what some people want....God help us......
Damn, I was expecting better.
On this is too poetic to be true... https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/12/us/bakersfield-california-shooting-stay-at-home/index.html
I cant wait to see his reply to this.:p
Blacks is good, but there is a place in Hondo Texas, it's a little hole in the wall on the left side of hwy 90 as you enter town from the east....
Happy Easter to all