The Mexican place was all paper but other the the limited seating was ok. Walk ons was pretty much normal except for limited seating. I enjoyed...
I went to Mexican in Madsonville on Friday night and went to Walk Ons in college station today. I'm getting on with my life. Time to help...
I used to watch them take off at sunset at kadena in Okinawa. Those things were like a rocket.
Except it's not that way, we dont know how many people in the high risk group, had it and got over it. Our reaction really has been like that of...
Ok that one made me chuckle out loud
They also own some corporations. A competitor in my field is owned by the vatican. The way they got it was when the original owner died he...
Also we cant ignore that trumps ego would not let him admit that he was duped into the shutdown narrative. So he is trying to come off of the...
Noone outside the Vatican knows how much treasure is there
Ha I was thinking about JR. The other day it crossed my mind that how many teams can say they had 2 qb go first, and then remember how big a turd...
The money is in the Vatican
This number is far more important than the number of people with it. I suspect they dont want us to know it, because it will expose just how big...
Amazing how they dont say how many are sick versus how many tested positive.
NO just NO
Drill instructors did worst to me in boot camp
Sucks ass if we have no cfb
.. chasing a chicken
I saw it and snared and killed it. Then closed the hole where he was getting in. No problem since then. So no doubt he was culprit. And I...
The one I have now looks to be full german shepherd, she showed up at a church and we took her in. She very smart but not near the 1/2 doberman...
Shane is right every cattle guy has burros, I have one for the same reason. But they work best when paired with a good dog. Unfortunately my...
She is aggressive, but black bucks are like candy to a coyote