Maybe we could post maps of different parts of the city for the Sooner fans. One thread dedicated to downtown and the Quarter, another to the...
Caveat: per liberal media :)
Agree 100%...France got plenty rich illegally doing business with Saddam. Now their gravy train's cut off. Boo hoo.
There are a few other good places to hit. For the best fried chicken in town, go to Mama's Tasty Foods. It's behind the McDonald's at the...
Trev knows nothing about football, but he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!
Last time the Sugar Bowl ws for the national title, they opened up New Orleans Arena (next door to the Dome) for the spillover crowd and showed...
Very unrealistic, though. Mack Brown winning a big game?!
Come on man, that's an insult to Clinton!
I can...that picture speaks for itself. No farking necessary.
A few years ago that game was Tulane vs. BYU. Can you possibly get any whiter than that??! :)
I agree that the estate tax is a lot more fair than income or payroll taxes. I knew a Republican professor who said it was the best form of income...
Gotta work a Trev Alberts reference in there somewhere...
I signed as Play Somebody, email address [email protected]
Wait a second MOrgan, did you say you were the wrong gender to "sack up"? Now we all REALLY like you!
I disagree that Mauck has enough of an age difference to keep him from relating to his teammates. When I was a graduate student at LSU I was an...
One nice thing: The championship game won't have a Florida team.
Theory on Cotton Bowl.... The Cotton Bowl is in Dallas. We used to have a troll from Dallas, who probably graduated from college around 1966....
I think Reagan was a LOT stronger than either Bush. Bush won't stand up to the Saudis and won't stand up to the Chicoms. As far as "leveling...
UTEP game in 1997 My first year of graduate school.