Hell of a game ladies and gents. We need to enjoy this one.
He can't put together sentences in a way that will work on TV, unless he is looking to replace Corso on Gameday, in which case he might actually...
Well, crap.
When is the last time we had gotten to 7 min left in the 4th Q having only used one time out the whole game?
Unheard of.
Yep. Hope they feed Williams.
Four. Count 'em, FOUR catches by a TE in this game. It's the freaking Twilight Zone.
Against a non-1AA team? TCU, which I think was Cam's first game as OC.
A THIRD TE catch? I have no data to back this up, but I swear that is more than some seasons.
I understand, but I would say that he needs his health more than he needs reps. I'd pull him.
Love that punt it into the other guy play! I think the call will stand, but I also think he did touch it.
Not to mention what happens when you get a few quick throws early to get people in a rhythm.
I hope we can keep it up. I've never been a huge fan of the 3-4, but if we can play decently against the more physical teams, I am happy to get...
Great stop D!
I freaking hate that. They are ruining our home field rep.
I'm not one for drinking the kool-aid, but damn. If our boys can keep their excitement up, we might turn this season around and actually do...
Great drive.
It was.
A second TE catch, in the same damn game? WTF is going on here?
Love the screen there.