I must have read it wrong, you win! That never was my intention, was talking about would happen in another term. That is exactly my point,...
I honestly don't think you would accept anything, end of story. It is what it is, you are just making excuses now.
Well maybe I am wrong here, when I think of the Taliban I still think of Mullah Omar and the ones we chased from there. I saw the MSNBC specials...
We have both already answered this question and it is in your very last sentence. No, you are totally missing the point. Name another president...
Here is another article on gas prices, I find the last 2 sentences interesting. HowStuffWorks "Why did U.S. gas prices drop in the fall of 2006?"
I do believe the Patriot Act is unconstitutional even though George Bush and Congress enacted it. Now I might agree with some that maybe it needed...
AGAIN that was a remark made by Michelle Obama that some have been writing about. Maybe but maybe not, people as of now have a constitutional...
Here is a really great article on pros and cons for the Electoral College. I kinda like this guys idea also of how to fix it by separating the...
This will be an EPIC FAILURE, that will not work PERIOD! Once we are gone they will be more scared of Taliban raping their families and hanging...
Then it will be too late, no reason to worry.
Ok I guess I am officially back for a little while. Someone please explain to me why we still are in Afghanistan? It is clear to me that we...
I do agree with your post but the problem is we don't know the details. It is clear thought that we have crossed that line. According to this...
Well I disagree with getting rid of the electoral college. If we didn't have it there is no need for the president to visit any of the states...
I have no problems with you and what you believe and no offense taken. I would agree on some instances about what you are saying but I disagree on...
You are misinterpreting what I was trying to say here, I said whatever they saw fit meaning whatever they wanted to do about gun laws. I should...
Maybe but I hear rumors and at this point I get that they are JUST rumors. I think some of it came from something Michelle Obama said a while...
I have thought that for quite some time actually. I do believe I have talked about a third party here before. I do agree it has to be moderate or...
I got upset and said some things I shouldn't have said. We all have done this from time to time. I am no different but I still stand my statements...
I am so turned off by all of this I just wanna barf! The politicians live high of the tit while everyone here defends your side. I find this...
I read a lot of this thread and not all, this is just sad. It shows you can be recorded at anytime or any place. I am disappointed at CLM's and I...