His best running has been out of the I with a fullback, though. Les will have to develop one fast. Mouton will be given a a shot. They will play...
Are you serious? Our citizens enjoy more freedoms than anyone on the planet. The fact that we lock up our criminals rather than let them run free...
LSU 31 Florida 13 Fournette 155 Harris 180 passing, 65 rushing Williams 40 Guice 60
Tabloids will post anything.
Like you say, it's missing on all the other photos. I say artifact.
It would be hard to imagine that someone safely in a country with no extradition to the US would not cash in on the obvious fortune to be had by...
The question that everybody is evading is "Do you think repealing it will makes costs go down?
There is evidence that many of them drowned. So I remain skeptical of claims otherwise that are based on no evidence.
Duuuh! It always costs more. Answer the question.
It literally does NOT. It colloquially does. Go back to school.
Do you still beat women? NATO exists for one purpose--to keep Russians out of Europe. They can't agree on any other agenda. ISIS isn't going...
I'm sure I was wrong once. But I could be wrong about that.
So do Republicans. Every tax cut is buying votes.
Photoshop maybe but more likely some weird reflection of spotlights/shadows on that shiny satin from that bright red carpet that is conveniently...
Damn cold water, even in the summer. It's another conspiracy theory. There is absolutely no conclusive evidence that anyone escaped.
No more than repealing it is an appeal to buy other votes. Wise up.
I tell you it is exactly the same. They are protecting their national interests with military action and so are we . . . only we do it better,...
"It is well that war is so terrible, lest we love it too much" -- Robert E. Lee
Health costs have been rising like this for 30 years. Does anybody seriously believe that if Obamacare is abolished, that health costs will go...
Dude, in this short century alone we have invaded, conquered, and occupied 2 countries, participated in the overthrow of 3 others, armed...