I think it was a good no call. There was a facemark and Fournette throws a punch.
Yes. Followed by a roundhouse punch to the head. Take off the purple glasses. [MEDIA]
Where did this absurd non-sequitur come from? You are losing your touch. Did you really think that Chinese and Thai workers are voting for...
A stiff-arm is a push away, not a slap up side the head. I think it was a good no-call, but it was no stiff-arm. The next ref may call it.
You're tedious.
It's not. It just for the cameras.
No wising up here. Too much to hope for.
Look Gomer, I never said the story was truer than any of the rest. I said that postmen like these stories because they have to deal with stupid...
Make your case, then. What has she stolen, who has she injured, who has she defrauded? What exactly makes her a "crook of the highest order". Good...
They don't vote for an American President, do they? In fact they don't get to vote at all. Not our problem, its a problem for China. We elect...
Who knows? What is important is that it can get you flagged. Fournette needs to remember this. It also fires up opponents to punish Fournette and...
You're supposed to see the head slap from the left tackle in Terry's video, not from the ball carrier.
I took it as a reference to Trump-style casino corporations redistributing middle class wealth, not equity investment.
With all of the license plate scanners in use today, I would not want my plate numbers to be seen by anybody if I had a bench warrant on file. It...
You are so dense, light bends around you.
Lets be clear, Sanders opposes foreign free trade agreements, not traditional American free enterprise. He opposes US corporations exporting labor...
Then don't believe it. We're trading stories here, Dweezil. None of these names come with certificates of authenticity.
When will they ever learn. Whitewater and Monicagate were both partisan Republican attempts to overturn the results of two elections and it only...
You don't need to know much to be a fence post. You never open your mouth without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge.
Too long a race. This time in 2008 Obama had no chance. He was Jindal with a jump shot. Anything can happen. Hillary is smart and popular but old...