I understand moving the game up because of anticipated bad weather. The SEC should have enough pull with CST and FSN to get the game televised....
That last video feed, at least it is up. I think a fan is streaming that live from the stands. Its about 3 pitches behind the live radio feed....
This goes for all instances of drawing a weapon in self defense... If you pull a gun for self defense, you better be prepared to use it and be...
JMitch is done, so that makes it 87. It will work itself out. Someone will pick up a TOPS scholly and surrender their FB scholly.
He was relegated to PG for a while, and that diminished the number of shots that he took. He knocked down some big shots in his day. Glan...
I grew up in NOLA, came to LSU, and started calling BR home 4.5 years after starting LSU. I am a 3rd generation NOLA public school graduate, and...
NCAA will likely have something to say about Twittering and recruiting. Of course, those rules won't apply to Petey.
Pitiful on whoever made the rainout decision. It was plenty dry enough to play ball by 7:30. The radar showed that the rain was over. And when...
Nail, Hammer. Coach tried to find someone to step up this weekend, by moving Coleman to start yesterday. No one seemed to want to step up into...
Obama's approval rating is down from 69% to 62% since inauguration. Gallup. My prediction is that it will continue to slide. Red, you have...
Truly sad part is that US Today let the cat out the bag, running an article about his departure from the show ON THE SAME DAY THE SHOW AIRED. I...
I'm a NOLA boy. Can't help you with that.
TIGERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will be there tonight and Sunday (My little girl's 3 yr-old party is on Sat afternoon (I will have on my listening...
Richard Dickson is a class-act. He will be successful both on and off the field. I truly expect this kid to continue to grow as a person and a...
All depends on where your seats are. If you are on the 3rd baseline or LF, you are better to park in the Hayfield lot. If you are 1st base or RF...
The Vegas over/under on sanctions for recruiting violations at Tenn is 2 seasons.
No more drive-thru liquors stores that I am aware of. There are still plenty of drive-thru daiquiri shops around. Its the adult version of the...
Sorry I am just now responding to your rep points message. We recently started an occupational medicine data management company. We have a...
Lakeview Harbor was started by the former chef at Port o Call. They basically fresh grind their meat in the back just before they cook it. They...
Then those straight line winds blew straight down Corporate and Old Hammond, and managed to tear up roofs, up-root trees, and create general...