The 37 by Nutt just shows you how desparate he is to win. He signs a bunch of guys and prays that somehow they qualify. There is plenty of...
You can also stand on the upper level of the grandstand concourse. Many fans stand back there during the season to get a better view. It is in...
The gov't tried to ban alcohol in the past. Results weren't very pretty. I am for smaller, less intrusive government. We are well beyond...
Can't resist urge to insert ridiculous argument... Oh, about 250 years ago, a group of people left England because they were being persecuted...
A close friend lives in Destin. He is in radio marketing, and was very concerned when Florida first banned smoking in bars. There is an...
Got mine delivered to the house today. Got a call into Mom to see if she got moved out of her 3rd base field box tickets. We suspected the...
How did all these Big 12 teams make it into the field to begin with. There must have been some $ changing hands, Cleo-style.
I'm chill. Don't worry about that. Every year we get some poser who wants to come in and get everyone all stirred up with fashion non-sense....
So who is this guy with the uniform...err... suggestions. The baseball team is hosting a regional as the No. 3 National Seed and our fellow Tiger...
I understand the proximity siting. The 9-16 seeds were never a concern for me. The NCAA tries to maximize attendance and minimize trave for the...
That's a good thing. There are several idiots...I mean, elected officials, that could stand a few shots over the bow... Disclaimer...This post...
Someone threw logic out with the baby and bathwater. If universities were no longer "firearm free zones," thus allowing persons on campus to...
I am not disappointed in getting a coveted national seed. I am disappointed in the selection committee overall. We won 5 straight to win the...
Even Hawthorne knew it was a 7 inning game
Last Inning. Lets go home Tigers!!!
Was a great throw by UGA CF. At least Leon was heads up and moved to 2nd. Single could score Leon. He will be motoring.
Perhaps Byrd. Coach may let Byrd start and then bring in Ross on 3 days rest. Would be a lot of pressure on Matsulis to start in the SEC...
Cain is getting his groove, and that will fire up the bats. We are starting to touch them. With 7 innings, Coach will get em going.
The SEC feed was incredible. We got to see Leon on the ground with the ball.