When I pruchased the tickets via Ticketmaster there was an option for a (2 year package) and a couple of other packages where you pruchase...
The general sale went early this year. I bought tickets to last years Sugar Bowl and I had options to buy tickets for the next year but I decided...
Kind of ironic when half of your own team is black.
I have a friend of mine who is an Oregon St graduate and he is all over USC. He even said to me "a west coast defense is better then a sec...
Ball handling skills were still VERY sloppy. Tack Minor is having toruble with the ball. Brandon Bass looks like the most solid freshman out...
I wouldn't be surprised if they havent even thought about it. But I would say put in the computer that is thrown out. If that is a wash, hell if...
Oh ok, I was thinking you had Bossier on your location thinking it was your hometown or something and went to LSU-BR. I am originally from...
If anyone calls me at 6am I am usually pretty damn pissed off but I guess if they were recruiting me I might give them slack.
LSUstudent, were you at the game? I ask because I overheard the guys behind me talking about the on-line College Pick Em and one guy said he has...
Also rememebr TCU was in the SWC along with Texas and Arky.
I say we send Ole Miss to the Poulan Weed-Eater Independence Bowl for old times sake.
Well people may be doing this on their own. You noticed after every week where the opposing team says "These guys are every bit as good as...
GO GATORS AND GO WILDCATS (Zona and Kentucky variety)
If we are talking Old-Old Bowls, who goes to the Hall of Fame Bowl or the Bluebonnet Bowl :)
We need some of the SEC AD's/SIDs to vote LSU #2 in the Coaches Poll and put USC at something like 4 or 5 to catch a little ground on them. If...
In the JS computer we are increadibly close to SC. With a win over Arky we should be able to jump them due to SC being off.
I know Sagrian still computes one with Margin of Victiry and then the official one.
Well Arky beat Texas so who is to say they wouldn't have won the SWC.
If we aren't 2nd we may as well be 10th. All we can do is take care of our business and hope for the best.
He can run a lot better than throw. And what will make you pull your hair out is on TV it looks like he is runnign in slo-mo but no one can...