Do I smell tequila shots?:shock: I almost shudder at the thought of that. I don't know of any bars neear the dome but I am sure there are some....
I am willing to trade my friend Dennis for a hot chick. I am sure he wont mind:D
How about when I get to my seat I just start yelling "SCOTT!!!! SCOTT'S SISTER!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and hope you hear.
As of right now me and my crew have no set plans. I am sure we will get into the Georgia Dome area around noon or so. Most importantly we need...
Clayton has the best prospects as of right now. I still think Spears and Hill haven't developed fully and would be very risky. I haven't seen...
can you introduce me to your sister?;) In all seriousness, it looks like we will have some TigerForum'ers all in the same general spot. I am...
I am on the same row and section. We also have one ticket on roww 15 seat 18 and we would like to trade it for row 14 seat 9 or 13 if by some...
GeauxScott, what section are yall going to be in? I got some student tix and we are sitting in sec 106.
Maybe he will discuss this with his collegues at other media outlets. Hopefully this does more help than harm.
Out of 9, we got 4. I guess we got lucky.
I am sure people double check the input plus it's the time that they feel like releasing the rankings.
TuWho? is over at now.
Season ticket holders were all able to get 2 a peice. This is for the student allotment of 1500. And what a lot of these goons are going to do...
Its the lottery for the student allotment.
From what I understand is a few of the regulars are no longer able to contribute due to some circumstances.
Here is the email that was sent out a few days ago. Nowhere does it say there is a 2 ID max.
I heard over on TigerDroppings to not expect an email until tommorow AM.
I think it should have been one ID per person and it has to be your own ID. That would cut down on this 25IDs BS. If TAF/SeasonTicket holders...
Still nothing here. Noone at another board has gotten an email. I am also talking to someone via IM and they haven't gotten an email yet either.
I had Nunnery for 2000 and 2001. 3115 sucks too but luckly Barbera teaches it next semester. I dropped it this semester and will retake it with...