It always kills me that everybody on TV to radio to other Coaches talk about that LSU has the best Atmosphere to play College Football and you...
Clinton Broke the law period. JD your statment shows the integrity of a worm Also your statment about the Constitution is unfounded but...
When was the last time a Democrat gave a tax cut? I sure do remember a lot of taxes. The State of louisiana is run by Democrats that should...
Cotton you must have voted for that guy who was a draft dodger and went to England to Protest the War. Now you are all over a guy who served in...
So what you are saying is that you want more taxes and you want the government to have all your money.
Graduated from Yale and Flew Fighter jets and is President of the United States of America He might be a drunk and a lot of other things but...
I find it ironic that the same people that did not want anybody over there and would help people go to Canada are the same ones wondering why he...
Why would anybody bitch about a TAX cut that just kills me. I mean you have people bitching that he should not have givin us a tax cut that cant...
That Jeb Bush rigged the Florida votes and that is why George Bush won. I mean these people are plain idiots. This guy that said this has a...
I just want to know what proof that Cotton Cluber has to prove that Bush used his family to stay out of the War. Because Terry MaCulaugh (sorry...
See I told yall their he is
All that talk about Smoke not being the coach that Skip was was BS. Smoke Laval was the reason all those big Bombers were at LSU in the 90's....
Is it me or the time of year but the trash talkers and bashers from the Barners (chucks of the World ) have not been over very much latley. Do you...
Insiders has a piece on Jon Demps as the top LB in the panhandle of Florida. I am not a member so I can not post the article maybe someone can...
Started out in Monroe then moved to Fort Lauderdale, Vienna Va, LaPlace La. Mclean Va. Shreveport La. back in Monroe now.
This is a site you can surf for a number of stats and information. This is the Home Page This is the...
Former LSU golfer Brian Bateman made 37 thousand in AT&T tournament.
DO LIKE WE DO In my section we have had people thrown out. If you come in our section and are offensive and one of the season ticket holders has...
That was not the only thing they were off on. I think I remember something about NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS, PRESEASON # 1 man were they on another...
I watched this guy during the Auburn vs Vandy game and the first thing I said was " yeah he is big but looks very slow". He would be a great FB so...