Marriage is a union. A union of heart, a union of soul, a union of minds, but wait till you have to pay those union dues.
Can it be used on a bitch's throat? Some sort of Shut The Fuck Up tool?
If it is in his power to do so, I hope Miles will make very frequent and random drug tests a condition for consideration of returning in the...
What are the rules on mandatory drug testing during a suspension?
I do not know what conditions will be like, so I hope to see no one get hurt on a sloppy field.
RIP, Don Long. May your family find comfort through their faith.
There is a lot of good news coming out. I hope it translates to play on the field during the season. The first game cannot get here soon enough!
Child molesters deserve all the pain that can possibly be inflicted upon them, and it will still not be enough. Death is too good for them.
I don't know. I remember something about voting on it, but I have never heard what the results were. Maybe someone here knows?
I think he went for the good stuff. Screw top. :hihi:
You are right. What was i thinking? Perhaps I had too much of the celebratory wine from rejoicing to the decline of Toonces? :lol:
Seeing as the Athletic Department is doing everything they can to save money/raise money, why not give facility tours for a small fee during the...
Urban is quite the sherrif. I hear breaking and entering gets a full game if it's an OOC opponent.
I'll help you rejoice. Now pass the wine and virgins! :lol:
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill Thank you for the report. No disrespect, but I am waiting on the testimony from low level men on the...
Very good new. Thanks for the report.
Excellent point. LSU needs to be filling its roster looking at the long term, not the short term.
72 hours? Sounds like they are being pressured into doing something without fully knowing all of their options. Sounds more like they are...
Has anyone considered a muzzle for him, or taking away his computer, for football season?:lol:
I just talked to a Tulane friend. As he said, this is gonna be a heck of a boring game in that it is two teams struggling just to make their...